PROIECTE eTwinning


Erasmus I-Learn & Beyond vizualizare

Give the earth a chance 2024-2025 vizualizare

Classrooms Beyond Boundaries: Digital Collaboration with eTwinning vizualizare

Unity in Diversity vizualizare

A Taste of Europe: A Culinary Adventure vizualizare

Vacanța de primăvară alături de Hristos vizualizare

World letter writing day vizualizare

World letter writing day 2 vizualizare

Keeping the Memory @live 2023-2024 vizualizare

Young Change Makers 2023-2024 vizualizare

EUth 4Democr@cy 2022-2023 vizualizare

A Change is Gonna Come2 2021-2022 vizualizare

Codes of my future: museums 2021-2022 vizualizare

Glob@l issues @ school 2021-2022 vizualizare

The Conference on the Future of Europe 2021-2022 vizualizare

Pollution - a never ending story 2019-2020 vizualizare

M@pping the Milestones of Free Europe 2019-2020 vizualizare

It's a small world after all 2019-2020 vizualizare

Little pieces of our history 2011-2012 vizualizare

Serving humanity from old times to now 2012-2013 vizualizare

Alte proiecte eTwinning:

- @mb@ss@dors of Europe@n Democr@tic Culture 2018-2019
- It's a small world after all ! 2018-2019
- All about me book 2018-2019
- H.E.A.L.T.H ϕ life 2017-2018
- The World we W@nt 2017-2018
- European castles - step back into History 2017-2018
- @ctive @nd Digital Citizenship Dimensions 2016-2017
- World War One through our eyes 2016-2017
- WWI: let`s Work Wisely as One 2015-2016
- Time to remember 2015-2016
- European Immigration 2015-2016
- Europe 4Development 2014-2015
- Right, Freedom, Law and Honor in France XVIII th century and XIX th century 2014-2015
- Europe@n Citizenship -Europe@n Identity 2013-2014
- F@mily @nd Work Dimensions 2013-2014
- How Today` s Teens R 2013-2014
- Forum of Generations @ School 2012-2013
- Today`s teens 2012-2013
- Peaceambassadors@schools 2011-2012
- Volunteer voices 2011-2012
- You and Us means We: Fighting Stereotypes 2010-2011
- M@pping of Jewish History 2010-2011

Aceste proiecte pot fi vizualizate aici

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